My little man isn't massively into superheros. Thankfully he isn't hugely into anything, his favourite characters change weekly. So when he was invited to a superhero party he didn't want to go. He didn't want to dress up and said he would just like to go for the food (typical bloke). The following day I asked if he would like to go as "Super George", he was much more up for this idea and I showed him this great Pint Size Heroes fabric from Camelot. He loved it and was much happier with this idea. He got involved with making the cape and loved wearing it in the end. Since it was a superhero themed party we decided that making one for his friend would make a nice gift too.

75cm Red Cotton
Felt in Two Colours
1 Pair of KAM Snaps
30cm (12") Elastic
Foam Interlining or Interfacing (for the mask)

1. You can use this image as a template, there is a 1" size guide to help make sure it prints to size. I got two capes from 75cm of fabric, so start by cutting your fabrics in half vertically. Fold in half and place the template at the top of the fabric. I have followed the line to the edge by eye. Repeat this with the contrasting fabric, using the first fabric you cut as the template so they are the same size.

2. Cut a circle in the lining fabric mine is 22cm (9") wide. I have used a circular rotary cutter but you could just find something round that is the size you want. I have drafted a lightning bolt and the letters G and H on paper first and made sure I was happy with how they layered up. When you are happy, cut them out in the felt.

3. Pin and sew the circle to the centre of the red fabric first. I have done a straight stitch close to the edge, but you can use a zig zag if you prefer. If you use a zig zag, you may find it easier to back it with a stabaliser to stop it from puckering. Then sew you lightening and your letter on top in the same way.

4. With right sides together, pin your cape and sew the two pieces together, leave a gap to turn it out. I had a little help at this point.
NOTE - If you do not have a KAM snap, you will want to add some ribbon or fastening of your choice before you sew.

5. Turn your cape out and press. Top stitch and ensure you catch your opening when you do.

6. Add a KAM snap to finish.

7. For the mask use the template to cut out the black fabric and interlining foam. I had an offcut from some other projects, but if you don't have any, you could use regular interfacing to give it some stiffness.

8. Place the foam on top of the felt and the black fabric on top of that. In between the layers, insert the elastic on each end. The foam I have is fusible on both sides so, I have fused it into place, you may need to pin yours. Top stitch the black fabric to the felt.
9. Now cut the felt half a centimeter or so bigger than the black fabric. Make sure you don't cut your elastic.
You are all done. I would love to hear from you if you give it a go. For more free tutorials, special offers and new fabric arrivals, make sure you have subscribed.