In true last minute style, I realised I had forgotten a gift for a few small people on the 23rd December this year. I had this idea of a crown in my head for a while, so it was a good opportunity to give it a go. They turned out great and went down a treat with my Niece and George's friends. I have used a mixture of fabrics from The Craft Cotton Company and Camelot Fabrics. I needed to use the ballerina fabric from the Craft Cotton Company for George's bestie, and I was desperate to make something with the Unicorn magic glow in the dark fabric by Camelot. I have used a sample of glitter fabric for the jewels, again from The Craft Cotton Company.
I made three crowns in around 90 minutes, so it is a nice quick emergency make requiring only a small amount of fabric. I have chosen to use a ribbon tie so it will fit most size heads but these were aimed at 2-4 year olds.

1. Using the template or one of your own, cut out the crown shapes, one in each fabric and the interlining on the fold. The template should fill a whole A4 page, there is a 1" guideline to help work out the size is correct. I have used the purple swans and mythical creatures fabric from Camelot. They are glow in the dark so it adds some extra magic!
I have used glitter fabric for diamond shaped jewels, but you could use any fabric. The glitter was quite stiff so I didn't add any intercaing but if you are using regular cotton, it may need some Bondaweb or interfacing to prevent it from moving when you stitch it into place.

2. Using a straight or a zig zag stitch, sew on the jewels if you choose to add them.

3. Iron one of the fabrics to one side of the interlining.
4. Place a 10" piece of ribbon in each short edge and pin into place so the ribbon is on the inside. Pin both fabrics right side together. Sew around all the edges using a 1/4" seam allowance and leaving a gap to turn it out along the bottom.

5. Trim and clip the edges with a V shape as close as you can get without snipping the sewing line you have just made.

6. Turn your crown out, use something pointy and push out the points. Press. The foam I have used was double sided so it stuck to both sides of the fabric. This made it stand up great on its own but also didn't need any topstitching. If you use regular wadding it may need top stitching around the edges. or do some quilting on it before you sew the two pieces together.

7. Hand sew the opening closed. You are done!

Thank you for reading! I would love to hear from you if you give it a go and you can tag me on all the social media platforms or use #thefabricsquirrel. For more free tutorials, special deals and new fabric arrivals, make sure you have subscribed to the mailing list.