There are just some collections that inspire you more than others. The Crafty Lass's Sea in Colour collection has really spoken to me and I have already made 4 projects with it. After adding a few items to my summer wardrobe I decided to do something completely different. I have made an underwater scene using a little of all of the collection. I have documented my progress to hopefully inspire you.
Fat Quarter bundle of Sea in Colour
Fat Quarter of Pale Blue
Wadding off cut (around 16" square)
Stick for hanging
All your usual sewing supplies

The full written and pictured instructions are below or you can watch me create it on my YouTube channel here.
1. Cut your background fabric to 16.5". Initially I was going to use the shoal fabric. It ended up looking a bit busy so I have used a plain pale blue instead. Cut some wadding slightly bigger than this. I used an offcut from a quilt.

2. Pin your wadding to the back of the pale blue and sew your waves onto it. I used a couple of different blue shades and my walking foot but only because that was what was on my machine, a regular sewing foot will do the job too..
3. Iron your Bondaweb or similar to the back of the fabric images you want to use. Follow the instructions for the product you are using. Remember it is shiny side onto the wrong side of the fabric.

4. Cut around all of the images you want to use in your wall hanging. It is easier to cut with the paper on.
5. Start arranging all your images until you are happy. Peel the papers off at this point to prevent them from curling.
6. Make sure you take a photo or video of your layout so you remember which order to put them back in.

7. My bottom layer was of the shoals of fish. Iron your first layer into place and then stitch on top. I did some swirly stitching over the top of the main one and around the outsides of the rest using my free motion foot.

8. Build up your layers the same way. I have changed the colour threads as I have gone and added extra details with the quilting on certain parts to add some texture.

9. I left the fish until last.

10. When you have finished putting your main image together, trim it down to size.

11. Cut some backing fabric the same width but half an inch taller. Cut this in half horizontally. This is your backing fabric.

12. Sew the fabric back together but leave a 2-3" opening to bag it out through later.
13. Cut another piece and inch shorter than the width of your hanging but 3" tall.

14. Sew this piece in half, wrong sides together and then turn it out. Fold in the raw edges and press with the seam in the centre. Top stitch the short edges, back stitching at the start and end. This will be used to hang your finished piece.
15. Place this runner near the top of your backing and stitch in place along the top and bottom only.
16. Place your backing and main piece with right sides together and sew all the way around. I have used a 1/2" seam allowance. Trim the corners, turn out and press.
17. Slip stitch the opening closed.
18. Top stitch around the edges to finish.

19. To hang it I have used a stick left over from a plant I ordered online and cut it down to size. You can improvise with something similar like a chop stick. Tie a ribbon either end and you are ready to hang it!
